Finding Dual Diagnosis Rehab Facilities in Washington

If you or someone close to you is struggling with addiction and symptoms of a mental health disorder, it’s important to get the right kind of care. Dual-diagnosis rehab facilities can help provide care for co-occurring disorders with a combination of detox, medication, and therapy.

What is Dual Diagnosis Treatment?

Dual diagnosis rehab facilities are designed to treat addiction and co-occurring mental health disorders.  Co-occurring disorders are not unusual. In fact, a 2022 study found that around 21.5 million adults in the U.S. have a co-occurring disorder.

In some cases, the mental health disorder comes first, and individuals try to mask or manage symptoms on their own with drugs or alcohol. They may not even realize that they have a mental health disorder or that they are self-medicating.

In other cases, the addiction comes first, and it causes structural changes to the brain that result in the development of a secondary mental health disorder.

Dual diagnosis rehab facilities are those that specialize in treating both conditions concurrently. These serve an important purpose. Regardless of whether the addiction or the mental health disorder came first, without treating both at the same time, individuals are more likely to struggle with relapse whenever symptoms of a mental health disorder manifest.

How Dual Diagnosis Rehab Facilities Help

Dual-diagnosis rehab facilities offer a chance for you to learn a combination of skills as well as personal insights that can help you manage all of your symptoms.

This might include:

  • Insight into individual causes of a mental health disorder
  • Insight into factors that contributed to addiction
  • Personal triggers
  • How you can manage your triggers with effective coping mechanisms
  • What boundaries you need to set in order to maintain healthy relationships
  • How to manage everyday stress effectively
  • How to boost self-esteem and forgive yourself 

When you work with a designated dual diagnosis rehab facility, you get the opportunity to work with professionals who will personalize the care you receive based on your needs.

For example:

Alex struggles with ADHD and an anxiety disorder. He also has an addiction to cocaine. Alex has gone to an outpatient rehab program to help him with his cocaine addiction. He was able to get clean, but within a few months, his severe anxiety was triggered, and he found himself unable to hold down a job or stable housing because of his ADHD. Eventually, with no other coping mechanisms, Alex reverted to old habits and relapsed.

In the case of Alex, getting help at a dual diagnosis rehab facility would have offered treatment for all of his co-occurring conditions, including a diagnosis, medication, and therapy plan for his anxiety disorder and ADHD. He would also receive detox and therapy services to help him manage his addiction.

If you are struggling with more than one condition, it’s important that you get a proper diagnosis.

With dual diagnosis rehab facilities, you can not only undergo an initial assessment and diagnosis from a qualified psychiatrist, but you can work with therapists to develop medication management plans for acute symptoms of your disorder as you develop coping mechanisms for triggers and lifestyle skills that can help you get back on track.

Finding Dual Diagnosis Rehab Facilities

At Sequoia Recovery Centers, we can connect clients to dual-diagnosis rehab facilities that offer the full continuum of care, including:

  • Detox
  • Inpatient treatment
  • PHP
  • IOP
  • Outpatient care

Our clients can go through each program in a step-down approach, starting with detox to tackle the physical addiction to drugs or alcohol and transitioning into a residential treatment plan, partial hospitalization program, and intensive outpatient program as necessary to receive the therapies needed for managing symptoms of a mental health disorder and learning to overcome addictive habits.

With our team, we can help you move through the steps as needed, plan for your future, and live a rewarding life where symptoms of mental health disorders and triggers of substance abuse can be appropriately tackled without leading to relapse.

Dual diagnosis rehab facilities are those that specialize in providing services that address co-occurring substance abuse and mental health disorders. With the right program, you can participate in the level of care that’s most appropriate for your needs and get therapy and medication to manage any and all conditions.

Reach out to our team today to learn more about our addiction treatment in Washington.