Get Professional Treatment
for Percocet Addiction

Sequoia Recovery Centers is here to help you with your percocet detox. Read further to learn more!

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Medically reviewed by:

Sequoia Detox Centers

Chief Executive Officer

Audrey Grimm is one of Sequoia’s original founders and Chief Executive Officer. Audrey has spent her career working in behavioral health. She has over 10 years of nursing experience, half of that working in inpatient psychiatric and detox facilities. She graduated as a Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner in 2023. 

Percocet addiction treatment

Is Percocet Addictive?

Percocet is a prescription opioid pain medication often used to treat mild to moderate pain. Percocet is a controlled substance because it can become addictive to individuals who abuse the medication and those who take it as prescribed. Percocet is not intended to be prescribed on a long-term basis to decrease a person’s risk of developing an addiction. 

The United States Department of Health and Human Services estimates that 10.1 million individuals in the U.S. over the age of 12 misused an opioid in 2019. It is estimated that 9.7 million of those individuals were misusing prescription opioids such as Percocet. 

Over recent years, there has been an increase in awareness of the concerns regarding overprescribing prescription pain medications, including Percocet. This has led to changes within the government regulations of these medications. Research has shown that older adults in the United States are more likely to be given prescription pain medication, and women are more likely to abuse prescription opioids.

Sequoia Detox Center is a Percocet detox center in Spokane, WA. Our program will give you the necessary medical supervision while you are detoxing from Percocet. Depending on your needs, your time with us can range from 5 to 7 days, after which we can help you locate an appropriate local treatment option. To learn more about how our Washington detox services can support you, please call (866)845-9007 today.


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Does Percocet Cause Withdrawal?

Similar to other opioid prescription medications, Percocet can lead to withdrawal symptoms. This can occur among individuals who are physically dependent on Percocet and those who have abused the medication. It is important to note that a person can be physically dependent on Percocet and not have an addiction to opioids. 

Withdrawal occurs because our bodies change how they function when we abuse drugs and alcohol. For most substances, when we stop using, we tend to feel the effects of this mentally and physically. Withdrawal can be a challenging experience and tough to come through when you don’t have the proper support around you.  

If you or a loved one requires a Washington Percocet detox program, we encourage you to consider Sequoia Detox Center. We are a drug and alcohol detox center in Spokane focusing on supporting you during the detoxification process. During your time with us, our primary concern will be supporting you during the detox process. We will have addiction education groups you can attend if you are feeling well. To learn more about our detox services, we invite you to speak with a representative by calling (866) 845-9007.

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We Work With Most Major PPO & HMO Insurance Providers.We Cannot Accept Medicaid Or Medicare.

We Are An In-Network Provider For Kaiser And Lifewise Insurance Carriers.

Addiction Treatment

Continuing Care After Detox
With Sequoia Detox Center

Our detox services represent the start of your treatment, helping you tackle the physical dependence on substances but it is the continuing care you receive which helps tackle the psychological dependence. 

No matter the level of care you receive, inpatient or outpatient, you can expect a structured schedule of amenities and services which include some of the following:

With individual therapy you have a chance to meet with a therapist one on one to discuss personal factors that have contributed to your addiction. Causes of addiction can include:

  • Genetics
  • Environment
  • Social factors
  • Trauma
  • Mental health disorders

You have a chance to work with a therapist individually to not only uncover your particular causes or contributing risk factors, but develop strategies and coping skills you can apply to stressful or triggering situations moving forward. These strategies help enable long term sobriety.

Group therapy comprises much of your schedule after detox, with different types of group therapy sessions providing a chance to work with other people who are recovering from substance abuse too. Group therapy sessions, unlike support groups, are led by qualified professionals who facilitate discussions. These discussions can hinge on things like:

  • Emotions
  • Stress
  • Failures
  • Successes
  • Goals
  • Struggles
  • Recovery
  • Family 
  • Sober activities
  • Coping skills 

Family therapy may be suggested based on your circumstances. This type of group therapy involves yourself and those with whom you are closest. Family therapy does not need to directly involve blood relatives. 

These sessions are led by a qualified professional who helps all participants improve communication, heal relationships, and learn how to support long term recovery. 

You might also participate in holistic programs during the course of your treatment. Holistic care can include things like:

  • Yoga
  • Exercise
  • Wilderness therapy
  • Mindfulness
  • Meditation 
  • Art therapy

Each of these practices provides a chance to build self-esteem, to learn new sober skills, participate in group settings with others, and find alternative ways to express emotions.

We can provide you with Percocet withdrawal help and support you during your recovery. We recognize the challenges that can arise during the withdrawal process and when you start therapy. While you are in our care, our focus will be on monitoring and supporting you during your recovery. 

We offer educational groups that can help you gain a better understanding of addiction and recovery. We will work with you to help you feel confident about returning home and transitioning into the next levels of care.

Sequoia Detox Center offers medical detox and percocet recovery in Washington. If you are ready to take the next step in your recovery journey, we encourage you to speak with a representative at (866)858-7294.

What to Expect

What Are the Symptoms of
Percocet Withdrawal?

Since Percocet is an opioid, withdrawal symptoms will resemble other opioid medications such as Codeine, Heroin, Vicodin, Demerol, Morphine, and Oxycodone. Common withdrawal symptoms include the following:

Individuals who choose to detox in a detoxification center are allowed to take advantage of medications that can help ease some of the symptoms associated with opioid withdrawal. As an example, you may be given buprenorphine to help manage cravings, medications to ease stomach discomfort, fluids if you are dehydrated from vomiting and diarrhea, and medications that can help manage high blood pressure. Additionally, detoxification programs will provide you with emotional support and education regarding the withdrawal process. 

Individuals who abuse Percocet may worry about their experience during Percocet withdrawal. This is an understandable concern; our staff will support you and provide comfort when possible. Before you are discharged from our care, we will work with you to develop a plan to help you continue your recovery journey.


Wondering if you or your loved
one needs addiction treatment?

We understand how challenging it can be to know if and when you or your loved one needs help with addiction.  By taking this quiz, you can get a quick assessment of some signs that may indicate whether or not you need to reach out for help. 


What is the Detox Timeline for
Percocet Withdrawal?

Percocet withdrawal tends to occur around 12 hours after your last use. Naturally, the timeline associated with Percocet withdrawal will be different for everyone. We know that several factors contribute to the differences in withdrawal experiences, including how long you have been abusing Percocet and other opioids, your physical health, and whether you are using other substances simultaneously. 

Most individuals feel their withdrawal symptoms are the worst in the first few days since they last used, and they have some minor lingering symptoms for about two weeks. This can start off with flu-like symptoms that progress into more uncomfortable symptoms. Many find that their physical symptoms are more manageable once they pass the first few days of withdrawal. Mental health symptoms, including depression and anxiety, can linger longer.

The staff at the Sequoia Detox Center has experience supporting individuals who are experiencing withdrawal from Percocet. This can be an emotionally and physically challenging time for you, and our staff will support you in your efforts. We do have addiction education available to you if you are able to participate in group sessions. To learn more about how we can support you with your Percocet withdrawal symptoms, we encourage you to call (866) 845-9007 today.

Contact Us

Sequoia Detox Center Provides Professional Percocet Detox Centers in Spokane, WA

There is more to gain than there is to lose if you get help during Percocet withdrawal. A medical team will monitor your health and offer you medications when appropriate. Another benefit is that the staff in detox centers can support you with any mental health concerns that arise during this time while continuing to show you compassion and respect. 

Sequoia Detox Center in Spokane, WA, is the ideal detox program in our area. We can provide you with Percocet withdrawal help and support you during this time. We recognize the challenges that can arise during the withdrawal process and when you return home. While you are in our care, our focus will be on monitoring and supporting you during the withdrawal process. 

We offer educational groups that can help you gain a better understanding of addiction and recovery. We will work with you to help you feel confident about returning home or finding an additional addiction treatment program. 

Sequoia Detox Center offers medical detox in Washington. If you are ready to take the next step in your recovery journey, we encourage you to speak with a representative at (866)845-9007.