How Long Does Drug Withdrawal Last?

Addiction can be both physically and psychologically challenging to overcome because of withdrawal symptoms. Over time, as your body uses more and more of an addictive substance, it becomes used to and builds a dependency on the drug. Drug dependency inevitably forces the body to crave the substance to achieve its desired effect. Failure to keep up with your addiction can lead to withdrawal symptoms that can be dangerous if you don’t have a professional medical team to support you.

At Sequoia Detox Center, we are here to help you take back your life and live a long-term life of sobriety. Seeking help and detoxing are the first pivotal steps on your road to recovery. Our team of experienced, compassionate staff is here to help you every step of the way on your recovery journey. We offer a medical detox treatment program in Washington where clients receive tailored treatment to break free of the chains of addiction to start their journey to recovery.

If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, contact us today or call 1-866-839-6896 to learn more about how we can help you on your road to recovery.

What Are Common Drug Withdrawal Symptoms?

With almost any substance addiction, withdrawal symptoms are to be expected. This is because the body builds up a dependency for the drug. Withdrawal symptoms occur when your body fails to meet its cravings for your particular drug.

While withdrawal symptoms and their severity can vary widely on how long you’ve been using, the type of drug you’re addicted to, your age, and more, there are common withdrawal symptoms to be expected.

Common addiction withdrawal symptoms include:

  • Irritability
  • Mood changes
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Being unable to sleep
  • Cravings
  • Fatigue
  • Sweating
  • Shaking
  • Vomiting

In severe withdrawal symptom cases, an addict may experience:

  • Paranoia
  • Confusion
  • Tremors
  • Seizures

What Causes Withdrawal?

Withdrawal symptoms occur because of your built-up dependency on the drug. In other words, as your body uses more and more of an addictive substance to achieve the desired effect, your body adapts and becomes used to receiving that substance. Therefore, as you use more and more of a drug, your body relies on the drug to essentially function. Otherwise, the body risks experiencing withdrawal symptoms.

How Long Does Drug Withdrawal Last?

There is no concrete timeline for how long does drug withdrawal last. This is because varying factors such as age, the exact drug you are addicted to, how long and how much you have been using, and more are all factors that can influence your withdrawal symptoms.

That being said, most addicts experience drug withdrawal symptoms for about one week. In the most severe cases, addicts can experience withdrawal symptoms for upwards of two or more weeks; however, this is uncommon.

After seven days of not using, your body should be physically and psychologically back to “normal” without using. However, how long can drug withdrawal last is again dependent on the individual and their unique situation.

How to Manage Withdrawal Symptoms?

Withdrawal symptoms can be challenging to overcome on your own, and can even be dangerous. Additionally, understanding how long drug withdrawal can last is difficult as withdrawal varies from person to person. This is why seeking professional support in your addiction recovery journey is essential. Not only will a team of professional addiction specialists be able to help guide you through detox in a safe manner, but you’ll have a whole team supporting you to overcome your withdrawal symptoms without relapsing.

Therefore, consider researching an addiction treatment center in your area that offers a detox treatment program. Sequoia Detox Center is an example of an addiction treatment center that provides comprehensive care to successfully overcome your addiction. Detox is the critical first step in addiction recovery. Seeking professional treatment to detox is not only safer than detoxing all on your own but is more effective in achieving long-term sobriety.

Sequoia Detox Center is a drug and alcohol detox center in Spokane, Washington.

Sequoia Detox Center Offers Comprehensive Detox and Withdrawal Management

You shouldn’t have to battle your addiction all on your own. Sequoia Detox Center offers a safe, medically supervised detox treatment program tailored to your exact needs. Withdrawal symptoms can be dangerous, not to mention physically, mentally, and emotionally debilitating. Now that you know more about common withdrawal symptoms and how long does drug withdrawal last, let us help you overcome your addiction by providing a safe environment to detox to start your journey to recovery. Contact us today to learn more about how you can take back your life and live a healthy life of sobriety today.