Outpatient Trauma Therapy For Addiction

In the United States, 50% of adults experience at least one traumatic event during their life. Trauma can be something you witness, something that has happened to a loved one, or something that has happened to you. Without the right treatment, it can lead to the development of PTSD, depression, anxiety, or substance abuse. 

Many people who struggle with trauma have issues with nightmares, anxiety, overwhelming thoughts that they cannot control, and emotional detachment. This can impair function not only at work but also at home and cause lasting damage to relationships.

Drugs and alcohol are common ways that people self-medicate in order to control or mask the symptoms, but it only makes the issue worse. At this stage, the best resolution is outpatient trauma therapy for addiction.

Outpatient Therapy: What to Expect

Outpatient drug rehab refers to any level of care where you do not live at the treatment facility but instead reside at home and return to your treatment center on a regular basis for all of your services and appointments.

There are several levels of outpatient care, including:

  • Partial hospitalization programs (PHP) which require a full-time schedule in which you go to the facility every day but only for a couple of weeks.
  • Intensive outpatient programs (IOP) which have part-time schedules in which you go to your facility a few days per week for a half day instead of a whole day, but you go over the span of several weeks instead of just two.
  • Traditional outpatient, which requires the least amount of time and often includes support groups and group therapy sessions once per week.

When you choose an outpatient program, no matter the level of care, the type of therapy in which you participate should be catered to your needs. If you are struggling with co-occurring mental health disorders and substance use disorders or addiction related to trauma, outpatient trauma therapy for addiction should be the primary form of care you receive.

What is Outpatient Trauma Therapy for Addiction?

Outpatient trauma therapy for addiction is individual and group therapy sessions that are centered on therapeutic approaches that:

  • Help you resolve your trauma
  • Avoid retraumatization


At Sequoia Recovery Centers, we understand that when people have underlying trauma that hasn’t been resolved, they are more likely to self-medicate with drugs and alcohol. But our aim is to provide long-term, sustainable resources and skills that you can use instead.

This starts with a treatment program that helps you resolve the trauma holding you back. For many people, individual and group therapy sessions can provide the resources and the space to do so. In a safe environment, you can work with your therapist to resolve your trauma and better understand how it relates to your addiction. This new insight can help you make strides in your recovery journey.

Avoiding Retraumatization

Retraumatization refers to any situation or scenario where the therapy you receive causes additional trauma because it triggers things related to your past. When you work with qualified facilities like Sequoia Recovery Centers, our outpatient drug rehab programs are led by qualified therapists who have received training specifically to avoid retraumatization and provide the services you need in the most effective way possible.

A big part of this is giving our clients more control over the recovery process, including input about topics they don’t want to discuss, words that should be avoided, and situations that make them uncomfortable.

Finding Outpatient Trauma Therapy for Addiction

Outpatient trauma therapy for addiction provides a viable way for you to tackle underlying causes and factors contributing to addiction. By resolving your trauma in a safe and supportive way, you can avoid not only retraumatization but also the higher risk of relapse that comes from not resolving your trauma.

If you are looking for substance abuse treatment, consider Sequoia Recovery Centers. Our drug and alcohol detox center can provide support for trauma and help you find your path to recovery from addiction. Reach out to our staff members today to learn more about the therapies we offer for anyone struggling with PTSD and traumatic experiences.