Does your loved one need
help with addiction?

Knowing when and how to get your loved one the help they need can be a stressful and confusing time. Whether they are addicted to illegal drugs, prescription drugs or alcohol, you often wonder if the problem is severe enough to warrant addiction treatment. 

Your loved one may have been struggling with addiction for years, or for just a few months. Either way you need to know the answer to the question “Do they need help?” By taking this quiz you can get a quick assessment of some signs that may indicate they need immediate assistance.

You may have been struggling with addiction for years, or for just a few months. Either way you need to know the answer to the question “Do I need help?”

By taking this quiz you can get a quick assessment of some signs that may indicate you need immediate assistance.


Answer the Following Questions to Find Out If Your Loved-One Needs Help With Addiction:

Step 1 of 10

Have your loved one ever tried to quit using or drinking without success?