Sober Alternatives For a Fun Summer

Summer is a wonderful time for recreation and vacation. However, it’s also a time that is heavily associated with alcohol consumption. Advertisements for summer holidays often involve drinking, no matter the location or activity. However, if you are someone who has a history of substance abuse and you are trying to avoid a relapse or you are someone who is struggling with addiction, there are several sober alternatives for summer vacations and recreational activities that you can use.

Top Sober Alternatives for Summer

So what are the best options out there?

#1: Hiking

The first is hiking. Studies indicate that being outside, in nature, has a positive effect on your stress levels, depression, and anxiety. not only that it helps boost your immune system and overall physical health.

Choosing a moderately challenging hike spanning several miles or whatever equivalent you have the time and physical capacity for can boost your mood, release several positive hormones, and reduce stress. It is also highly unlikely that being outside in nature will trigger you.

Instead of getting high on drugs and alcohol, you can get high on the climb.

#2: Water Sports

Water sports are heavily associated with drinking, especially if there is a boat involved. So, the best sober alternatives for summer are simply to take out the boat. if you are swimming or paddle boarding instead of sitting on a powerboat, you are much less likely to drink simply because there isn’t a capacity for it.

You cannot as easily keep a cooler or other paraphernalia with you if you are on a stand-up paddle board or if you are physically swimming. Both your hands are typically occupied, which keeps your mind and body engaged in something else while also giving you great exposure to the sun, water, physical exercise, and all of the mental and physical health benefits that come from that.

#3: Rock Climbing

Another sober alternative for summer is rock climbing. Activities that get you outdoors and utilize your whole body and your complete focus are some of the best things you can do if you are early in your recovery and don’t trust yourself to be around drugs or alcohol.

They are great for people who are later in their recovery as well because they come with all the benefits of being outside in nature and challenging yourself mentally and physically. Rock climbing, in particular, is a popular sober alternative for summer (and all year round if there are indoor facilities nearby) because it forces you to be more accepting of temporary discomfort that can come from things like cravings, and it encourages you to plan the route you are going to take and focus on the present moment pushing all other thoughts and stresses aside.

Rock climbing, in particular, can help you with stress management, relapse prevention, building good self-esteem, and learning to sit with discomfort while also setting goals and achieving goals in a short time frame. 

Alcohol-Free Drinks

Depending on where you are in your recovery, you might be at a point where alcohol-free drinks are an option. If you find yourself at summer events where people are drinking, you don’t have to recuse yourself or avoid your friends and family entirely.

For those who are stable in their recovery, you can bring your own alcohol-free beverages like mocktails, regular lemonade, or water infusions. These can be healthy, sober alternatives for summer that many people will likely enjoy. 

Getting Treatment

Sometimes, the sober alternatives for summer that you have in mind might not be enough, and you end up struggling with relapse. Maybe summer is a time when you realize that maintaining sober activities is difficult for you and, therefore, you might have an addiction.

In either case, it’s important to know when you should seek help. With Sequoia Recovery Centers we offer several levels of care that can help you no matter what your schedule during the summer. Our Intensive Outpatient Program offers greater flexibility and comparative outcomes to a residential program without you having to stay overnight.

During your time with us, you’ll be able to identify the underlying factors that contribute to your addiction or your triggers in relapse and apply healthier coping mechanisms and responses.

Overall, there are several sober alternatives for summer that can make this an enjoyable season for you, but if you are struggling with addiction, don’t be afraid to get help. Flexible schedules at facilities like Sequoia Recovery Centers make it possible to get treatment when and how you need it.

Call us today to start your recovery plan.