5 Things To Keep In Mind When Your Loved One is In Rehab

When your loved one is in rehab, you feel a wide range of emotions. While you are grateful they are getting the help and support they need to get sober, you also feel overwhelmed, anxious, and even scared. Recovering from addiction is complex, and knowing how to act or support your loved one as they begin their journey toward sobriety is often difficult. In many ways, you may be as scared as your addicted loved one—or even more scared.

If your loved one is in a treatment program, this article will outline the five things to keep in mind when your loved one is in rehab. These tips will help you not only understand the treatment process but it will also help you prepare yourself to support your loved one once they leave rehab. Sequoia Detox Center is one of the Pacific Northwest’s premier treatment facilities. Our Washington medical detox center and compassionate support team will help your loved one and family become empowered on the road to recovery.

What To Do When Your Loved One Is In Rehab?

When a family member enters treatment, the question of how to help a loved one facing addiction comes front and center. You and your family may feel unsure of how to support your loved one and if what you do is helping their recovery. The following five tips will help you through your loved one’s stay in rehab:

Understand the Rehab Process

When your loved one is in rehab, the best way to ease anxiety is to understand the rehab process itself. While every rehab may be different, your loved one’s rehab program will likely consist of detoxification, individual, group, and family therapy, 12-step group support, life, coping skills training, and aftercare. Understanding that a drug rehab program takes time and is not a “quick fix.” During the rehab process, it is essential to be supportive and encouraging to your loved one.


When your loved one is in rehab, it is vital that you communicate with them regularly. It is essential that you let them know they have your support and that you are there for them. When you communicate with your loved one, be non-judgmental and avoid placing blame or criticizing them during the recovery process. It is also important to give your loved one space and privacy when needed.

Educate Yourself

To be supportive of a family member in treatment, you must understand addiction itself and what they experience. You can talk to your family doctor or local addiction treatment professional. There are also many reputable online resources such as SAMHSA that provide helpful educational resources that help you learn more about addiction.

Practice Self-Care

Learning how to help a loved one facing addiction involves simply taking care of yourself. While it is easy to feel anxious and stressed when a loved one is in treatment, practicing good self-care takes top priority. Be sure to eat a balanced diet, drink plenty of water, and get plenty of rest every night. Other excellent self-care regimens include yoga and meditation. It may also be helpful to see a therapist or join a family-centered support group such as Al-Anon or Alateen.

Attending Support Groups After Rehab

When a loved one finishes treatment, it does not mean their recovery journey has reached an end. The real work in recovery starts when a newly recovered addict resumes their daily life and routine. A great way to help your loved one and yourself is to attend some form of support group once after the completion of treatment. Attending family therapy sessions and encouraging your loved one to find a sponsor and help them develop healthy coping skills is also recommended.

Sequoia Recovery Centers Will Help You and Your Loved Ones

Drug addiction ruins the lives of addicts and their families. If your loved one is fighting substance abuse, you must find a treatment facility that offers programs and services that benefit both your loved one and your family. Sequoia Recovery Centers offers evidence-based programs that empower the family as a whole. Our experienced team of treatment professionals provides the tools and support your loved one needs to overcome addiction, and empowers you to create a healthy, strong environment that allows recovery to flourish.

Call Sequoia Detox Center today and start healing.