Can Alcohol Withdrawal Cause Seizures?

Many believe that because individuals can drink alcohol with fewer restrictions, that it does not have the same ability to become addictive as other substances. However, this is false. In fact, because of the availability of alcohol and the social acceptability of drinking, many individuals develop problematic drinking habits that can transition to addiction when an individual continues in an unsafe manner.

At Sequoia Detox Center, our clients are treated with individualized clinical and medical treatment programs designed to meet their physical and psychological needs. Through our Washington medical detox program, clients can quickly feel more like themselves after substance abuse.

The process of alcohol detox can be complex. To learn more about the alcohol detox program at Sequoia Detox Center, contact us today.

Is Alcohol Addictive?

Alcohol can be addictive. Additionally, the process of alcohol addiction has been extensively studied and can often be traced back to one of a few factors. These factors can be an impact of experiences at a young age or due to misuse of substances. Additionally, addiction can often be traced back to genetics, environment, or misuse.

However, individuals with genetic predispositions or environmental exposure are not guaranteed to become addicts. This just provides additional opportunities for misuse at a young age, which is one of the most common factors of misuse. Individuals who misuse alcohol are often underage children drinking. Their misuse is unmonitored, irresponsible, and usually has an aspect of fun and thrill. This creates a positive hype and makes it “cool” to drink underage without realizing the negative impact of this misuse on their mental and physical health.

Can Alcohol Cause Withdrawal Symptoms?

Alcohol can cause withdrawal symptoms for those who struggle with problematic drinking or those who are fully addicted to the substance. The symptoms, severity, and length of withdrawal are all impacted explicitly by how much and how long the individual has struggled with addiction to alcohol.

When an individual goes to a detox treatment program or decides to detox from alcohol on their own, withdrawal often begins within 6-12 hours of their last drink. Early symptoms often include cravings, tremors, and headaches and can extend to more severe flu-like symptoms. These physical symptoms typically worsen over the next 72 hours and are usually resolved within a week. However, symptoms that impact an individual’s mental health, like depression and anxiety related to the cessation of drinking, can last for a more extended amount of time without proper addiction and recovery treatment.

Can Alcohol Withdrawal Cause Seizures? 

As stated above, alcohol causes withdrawal symptoms; however, that’s not all. Individuals who have been addicted to alcohol for a long time or those with underlying health problems can suffer more severe withdrawal.

Long-Term Effects of Alcohol Abuse

The long-term effects of alcohol abuse continue beyond withdrawal and can impact an individual for life. Alcohol is often associated with severe mental health concerns like depression, anxiety, and cravings.

Physically, alcohol is linked to continued problems with the brain (including thinking and movement), heart, liver, pancreas, and immune system, and has been linked to multiple types of cancer. Alcohol can have a lasting effect on the body, even after an individual is successful in recovery.

How to Find Alcohol Detox in Washington

At Sequoia Detox Center, individuals can access detoxification treatment through a boutique facility. Our center is designed to meet each client’s specific needs by offering individualized detox treatments for alcohol, benzodiazepines, cocaine, heroin, methamphetamines, opiates, Percocet, prescription drugs, and Xanax addiction. 

Our personalized program offers private rooms with an on-site pharmacy and catering services. When an individual chooses detox with Sequoia Detox, we work to get them back on their feet with a combination of medically supervised detox, clinical therapy, and relaxation. During this rejuvenating process, we help our clients develop an aftercare plan that prioritizes their health and well-being. Contact us today to learn more about our alcohol detox in Washington.