A person participates in therapy as part of an outpatient addiction treatment program.

Finding Outpatient Treatment To Fit Your Needs

If you are looking for help with an addiction or co-occurring mental health disorder, outpatient programs can give you a wide array of freedom and flexibility. However, there are several types of outpatient programs, so how do you find one that suits your circumstances? In this blog, we’ll talk about how to find outpatient treatment […]

Two people hug after one of them makes amends in recovery.

Making Amends in Recovery

Substance abuse can be very challenging because it affects not just the individual but their friends and family. Those who are going through recovery have an opportunity to acknowledge wrongdoings that may have been their fault and to make amends. In this blog, we’ll discuss what making amends in recovery looks like and how it […]

A medical professional supports a person going through alcohol detox.

How Long Does Alcohol Detox Last?

The detox process refers to what happens when you have built up a certain substance in your system, and your body is trying to get rid of it. This can happen with sugar detox, detox from prescription medications, illicit medications, and alcohol. How long does alcohol detox last? This process is generally several days, but […]

Two people go hiking, a sober alternative for summer activities.

Sober Alternatives For a Fun Summer

Summer is a wonderful time for recreation and vacation. However, it’s also a time that is heavily associated with alcohol consumption. Advertisements for summer holidays often involve drinking, no matter the location or activity. However, if you are someone who has a history of substance abuse and you are trying to avoid a relapse or […]

A professional struggling with stress and addiction experiences stress at work.

How Addiction and Stress Impact Professionals

Working-class professionals deal with high levels of chronic stress and a subsequently high risk of addiction. This comes from the development of poor mental health, like depression or anxiety disorders, as a result of workplace demands or interpersonal conflict. From there, individuals are more likely to develop an addiction by self-medicating with stimulants or other […]

Two glasses of an alcoholic drink

What Happens to Your Body When You Drink?

Most people know that drinking too much leads to a hangover, but what else? How does alcohol impact the body, and what are the short and long-term risks of too much? What Happens to Your Body When You Drink Short-Term? In the short term, when you first start drinking, the increase in your blood alcohol […]

A person eats a healthy meal, an important part of reaching nutrition and wellness goals.

How Nutrition and Wellness Programs Support Recovery

Nutrition and wellness programs enhance recovery by providing essential education and resources for people trying to maintain their sobriety. These resources can include: At the correct type of treatment center, you can participate in nutrition and wellness programs that encourage you to prioritize the well-being of your physical body as well as your mind so […]

A man manages his medications in outpatient treatment by using a pill box to organize them.

Managing Medications During Outpatient Treatment

When you are getting treatment for substance abuse or co-occurring mental health disorders, you might be prescribed medication for one or both. When you are prescribed medication during an outpatient treatment plan, it’s incumbent upon you to manage your medications effectively and use them when and where appropriate. But how do you do this? Keep […]

A man struggling with an underlying mental health condition and addiction cover his face in his hands in distress.

Underlying Mental Health Conditions in Addiction Recovery

Substance abuse has a high correlation to secondary mental health conditions.  For some, this is because they haven’t been diagnosed, so they don’t know that they are living with a mental health disorder, such as depression or anxiety. All they know is that they don’t like how they feel, and they want to try and […]

A close-up image of painkillers, which can be addictive and lead to painkiller addiction.

The Signs of a Painkiller Addiction

If you are struggling with chronic pain, have just had surgery, or are dealing with an acute problem, you might be prescribed painkillers. Painkillers are one of the most effective ways to deal with significant pain from surgery or chronic pain conditions, and yet they have a high risk of addiction. If they are not […]