What is Psychoeducational Therapy?

The field of mental illness treatment is constantly improving and expanding. Since mental illnesses are varied and felt to varying degrees by each client, mental health professionals must employ dynamic and emerging methods of treatment. Within the last few decades, psychoeducational therapy has evolved into an effective form of therapy used to treat both mental […]

What Is Medical Treatment For Addiction?

Successful drug treatment programs are comprised of several evidence-based and effective components. These components include medical detoxification, therapy, life and coping skills education, and 12-step support. Over the past few years, a growing number of rehabs have employed medication-based treatment programs. Medical addiction treatment has proven to be an excellent complementary tool to help addicts […]

Are There Cocaine Rehab Centers in Spokane?

Cocaine is a powerful stimulant drug that is highly addictive and impacts the lives of the user and their family. For those struggling with cocaine addiction, finding specialized help is key to long-term recovery. The programs and services found at a cocaine addiction treatment center give those looking to stop the tools and support needed […]

Is There Outpatient Cocaine Addiction Treatment Programs?

Cocaine addiction is a serious issue that requires professional treatment. For most people, residential treatment programs provide the intensive care and around-the-clock support needed to break free from cocaine addiction. While residential treatment is effective, some can’t spend substantial time away from family and work. In other cases, people may not have the insurance coverage […]

What Are the Long-Term Effects of Alcohol Abuse?

In many ways, alcohol is an accepted part of our country’s social fabric. From tailgate parties, work gatherings, and holiday parties to black-tie galas, alcohol is a major part of those functions. While many people can drink alcohol responsibly and have a great time, some may drink too much. While these people feel they can […]

What Are the Behavioral Signs of Addiction?

Drug addiction is a progressive and debilitating disease that destroys the lives of users, their families, and the community at large. While addiction is devastating, the signs of addiction can be very difficult to spot. Addicts will often go to great lengths to hide their use from loved ones. Additionally, the symptoms that do appear […]